Saturday, September 10, 2011

A union strike gone wrong

Odd isn't it. That the day after union boss Jimmy Hoffa Jr. declared that it was time to take "the son of a bithces out," that longshoremen showed up in Washington state and did something curiously similar.
After a union wildcat strike turned violent on Thursday, triggering a walkout at five ports in Washington state, longshoremen went back to work on Friday. But in an unusual twist, the National Labor Relations Board succeeded in getting a federal judge to issue a preliminary injunction Thursday against further union activity at the Port of Longview after the union ignored the temporary restraining order that he issued a week earlier.

The agency will hold a hearing next month to determine whether further restrictions are warranted. NLRB spokeswoman Nancy Cleeland said it was not common for the agency to take action against unions. "In those cases where we do to court, the majority of petitions are against employers, but that simply reflects our cases," she told

"The majority of charges filed with the NLRB are against employers." On Thursday, hundreds of International Longshore and Warehouse Union members (ILWU) stormed a new grain terminal at the Port of Longview that they are battling for the right to work at. They overwhelmed guards, smashed windows in the guard shack and dumped grain. Six guards were trapped for a couple of hours, Longview Police Chief Jim Duscha said.

He initially referred to the guards as "hostages," but later retracted that after the guards clarified no one had threatened them. "The guards absolutely could not get out," Duscha said. "They feared for their lives because of the size of the crowd and the hostility of the crowd."
Calling it a wildcat strike and the National Labor Relations Board interest aside, the reality is what it is. A bunch of union thugs showed up and destroyed property and literally held people hostage and not a damn thing was done about it bt law enforcement and nothing apparently will be done. Welcome to the real world of union thuggery and those who preach it.

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