Sunday, November 29, 2020

Sunday Morning Coming Down


Well, I woke up Sunday morning

With no way to hold my head that didn't hurt
And the beer I had for breakfast wasn't bad
So I had one more for dessert
Then I fumbled in my closet for my clothes
And found my cleanest dirty shirt
And I shaved my face and combed my hair
And stumbled down the stairs to meet the day

Kris Kristofferson wrote that song about fifty years go.  Johnny Cash famously recorded it. It has become one of my all time favorites, because of the truisms that it speaks of.

In the park I saw a daddy
With a laughin' little girl who he was swinging
And I stopped beside a Sunday school
And listened to the song that they were singing
Then I headed back for home
And somewhere far away a lonely bell was ringing
And it echoed through the canyons
Like the disappearing dreams of yesterday

I believe the realities spoken of then, speak equally as true as they did then.  Our world has been turned asunder. Up is down and left is right and everything that we every held faith with, seems to be old and out of style.

We are told to hurry and catch up with the new normal.  But what is the new normal.  And if this is it?  I am pretty sure that I don't want any.  I am not buying.  As each day passes, it becomes increasingly harder to hold our place in life.  We are constantly bombarded with all the reasons that we need to abandoned the long accepted norms.  We are told to cast them aside and accept the new world order of things.

Why?  Because that is only fair.  Well I am here to tell you folks, there isn't a damn thing fair about the rose colored world of egalitarian socialism.  The only thing that approximates fair, is the intended equal sharing of misery.  As we go into the last month of this year, look back on the previous twelve months.  Think back to what you remember of December last.  How things were.  How your life was.

If anyone had of told you that you would have seen come to pass what we have witnessed in the last twelve months? Would you have believed them.  Would you have believed that large segments of our society would be so filled with rage and hatred?  As to attack the very foundations of our heritage and history.  Would you have believed what you have seen of statues being torn down and defaced?  While a complacent and complicit media looked on, with nary any notice.  Other than to appear to approve of these acts by their silent acclimation. 

Would you have believed that the majority of Americans would have stood mute and witnessed their basic rights and freedoms cast aside, by those in elected offices.  By virtue of caveats issued to literally imprison Americans in their own homes.

Dwight Eisenhower warned us of the military industrial complex. An entity that represented collusion between business interests and military interest. But who warned us of the creep malignancy of communism.  Was it Nikita Kruchev?  When he threatened that we will bury you?  Or was it someone else in our midst.  One of the first to be demonized and vilified and chased from our midst.

Three generations of Americans have been told that the messenger was senator Joseph McCarthy.  But look back now on his warnings.  Of his belief and evidence presented of entrenched and deeply rooted communism and communists in Hollywood. And his warnings of what would happen if we continued to allow the cancer of communism to metastasize in America and the American movie industry.

What McCarthy warned us of then in Hollywood?  Was also present in our universities then. And a generation later, it was spawned in our public schools and a generation after that, we saw the disease of anti Americanism and the embrace of communism, spilling over into the turbulent 1960's and protests in the streets.

The cartoon Pogo literally hit the nail on the head when Pogo said: 

"We have met the enemy and he is us."

Americans are our own worst enemy and we always have been, because more often than not, we have willingly forgotten our history, while buying into the latest offerings of the egalitarian snake oil salesmen in Washington and their media.

I have said before and I will say again, the media in America (the press) were supposed to be the gate keepers.  They were the ones entrusted in the first amendment of the constitution, with safeguarding our freedoms.  It was their responsibility to be the sheep dogs.  To keep the wolves at bay with the iron forged defenses of truth.

However, they have long ago abandoned that sacred trust. The American media began their march to the left with the advent of television and they have steadily progressed in that direction since the mid 1950's
Every aspect of our lives once cherished and revered? Have been vilified and mocked by the media.  From the entertainment industry to the so called outlets of journalism.

There no longer is anything that resembles journalism in America.  Because journalism requires reporting. The telling of the facts and the truth. Regardless of how ugly those truths and facts may be.  And with that needs to be the fortitude to stand up and report truth to power.  But ask yourself?  When was the last time you remember seeing that from the American media.  I truthfully cannot remember.
But what I can remember?

I can remember 9/11and I can remembered the steady onslaught of everything that is America, before and since 9/11. We swore that we would never forget, but we have.  We have forgotten with our collective complacency, combined with our collective fears of being singled from the heard.  

They say that fear is the most powerful motivator and weapon in any conflict.  That is why terrorist bank on fear as their primary weapon against the masses.  Are the media any different.  Are they anything more than informational terrorists of the modern day?  They are certainly no longer the gate keepers to our republic or our freedoms.

Millions of Americans have died over the last 250 years, fighting to preserve our nation and our freedoms.  Yet we as a people continually hand over our freedoms, on the promises of more security.  Benjamin Franklin rightly observed, that "Those who would trade freedom for security deserve neither."

Thomas Jefferson rightly observed: "That the tree of Liberty, from time to time, needs to be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots."

So why is it that we have forgotten the wisdom of our founding fathers.  Why is it, that we now stand silently and watch them vilified and their images torn down and trampled upon. Why is it that we as a nation have not stood up to stop this invasive cancer that permeates our nation and its elected leaders today.

Some say that we need a new constitution.  That the one we enacted in 1787, no longer suits our modern and contemporary society. On the one hand?  I tend to agree.  With the exception that we do not need to do away with our bedrock foundation.  But we do need to add to it.  And some of the additions that come to my mind are these.

1. Set term limits for congress.  No more than two terms, the same as the presidency.  
2. Require congress to abide by the same laws as every American.
3. Establish an amendment that states that no one running for elected office, can accept campaign funding from any outside of their state entity or individual.
4. Require that all elections be held in person by paper ballots and that voter I.D. laws become universal in all states.
5. Require that absentee ballots be allowed only for those incapable of voting in person, due to physical infirmity, attested to by a doctor's certification.  And require that all absentee ballots be certified and verified by I.D. and signatures when received. And require that all absentee ballots be received at least 72 hours before the day of the election.
6. Require a balanced budget from congress each year.  No exceptions.
7. Forbid the American government from doing business with any country that espouses communism, or the open overthrow of this nation
8. Require the media, both print, televised and digital to report true and accurate representations and immediately clarify any time they discovered they were lied to.
9. Require immediate prosecution of anyone, including elected officials, who violate the trust of the American people, or their sworn oaths to the constitution. Which is treason=n and should be punished accordingly.
10. Require all future bills to be limited and specific to one issue and one issue only. Prohibit any amendment, that does not immediately address the issue being presented in the bill.
11. Provide for a line item veto, on all bills brought before the president to be signed into law.
12. Make it a federal crime, to burn or desecrate the American flag.  

Those are my opening bid issues.  Feel free to give me your thoughts on it.  I do believe, that there are more than a few dozen million Americans who feel the same way.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


No man is an island. Until he decides to stand alone and refuses to accept the herd mentality of society. Some call it peer pressure. I call it weakness of character.

When you fail to make value judgements on your own, and you elect to follow the crowd, that is an absence of character in my opinion. I remember when president George H.W. Bush came forward and said that he did not like Broccoli.

An anecdotal comment of personal preference, but you would have thought that some earth shaking shift in American policy had been put forth.

What would the broccoli producers have to say about it. Would it cause a stir in the markets. More importantly? Did the leader of the free world, have the standing to categorically deny an entire food group.

Is it just me, or does anyone else see the dichotomy of today's mass opinions in today's America.

Make the right choices? Go along with the crowd? Go along to get along? And everything is perfectly as it should be. Fail to do so? And you must be ostracized and demonized and outright vilified if necessary, to bend your opinions and beliefs and your will to those of the crowd.

Pay no attention to those behind the curtains pulling the levers. They will tell you what your opinions should be and you had better agree with them and praise those opinions and belief sets. Or else there will be consequences and repercussions.

And the American people by and large are more than willing to accept these altered realities. Why? Because they do not want to be singled from the herd and vilified for not conforming to thought speak.

I don't like Starbucks. As a matter of fact? I cannot stand Starbucks. An over priced and yet acclaimed common swill of the herd.

$5 a cup?

That's alright. Because whether you truly care for their coffee? At least you will be seen holding a Starbucks cup. And regardless of whether you drink it or not, it's the thought that counts.

Happy Holidays?

As opposed to Merry Christmas? No big deal right.

Because we as a society want to be all inclusive. Unless and until it is our own individual likes or preferences being questioned. Then we are told very quickly, that we must conform to the populist view. Or else.

Well I personally am a wee bit tired of being told I have to conform.

I have the right to my own opinions and preferences, likes and dislikes. And those preferences, likes and dislikes are what make me an American. They were granted to me and guaranteed to me by the Bill of Rights. And I fully intend to enjoy them.

As for you? You have the right to have no rights if you choose. Just lay them down and walk away. Substitutions will be issued to you and you can then join the herd and meld into the masses and become safely obscure. Until the day they come for you.

Just remember this.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
~Martin Niemöller ~

Friday, November 27, 2020

JFK. What I Believe Really Happened & Why

Link To My Video. What I Believe Happened & Why

Watch the interview with one of the ER treating physicians who Treated JFK at Parkland
And as you watch this interview, listen closely to how he describes the wound to the back of the president's head.  Then ask yourself one simple question.  How could that level of damage?  Be caused by a bullet that struck him in the back of the head.  The answer is simple. It would be impossible.  The shot struckhimin the right side of his head, just above the temple and blew out the left side of this head and removed an approximately 5 inch in diameter section of the rear of his skull. 

The Surrender of Religious Freedom Is Heresy. Just Another Form Of Cross Burning

The egalitarian Marxist left in America does not want the separation of church and state.  They want the subordination of church to state.  And the surrender of church to state. 

Which in essence represents the subordination and surrender of Christianity to the state. To eventually be replaced entirely, by Islamic radicalism and Sharia.  

Turn off the filters of American media and look closely and honestly at what is being represented by the media and the leftist in Washington daily.  The abandonment of all morals, the blurring of the lines of all personal responsibility. 

These people are after absolute power, full control and total influence over this nation and its people.  And if the surrender to evil accomplishes that? They are all in. Even knowing that the eventuality will be that the same evil they allied with, will consume and destroy them.  

The problem with  selling your soul to the devil? Is even if that agreement is entered into as a child? Your life is finite. And all the wealth and power in this world? Will not cross that barrier to the eternal. 

And at the end of life, the devil collects his due.  And your eternal payment going forward is damnation.

The Morning After

It's the morning after Thanksgiving and it is a morning after like no other.  Rather than news reports of the millions swamping the stores for Black Friday sales?  The lead stories remain Covid and the rising infection rates and hospitalization rates and the death rate.

Even so, while there were no records set for travel this week, it looks like plenty of Americans decided to travel to see their families for the Thanksgiving holiday.  And the media is having a conniption fit over that on all channels. Calling Thanksgiving a "super spreader event."

I do believe that the one thing that really pisses them off?  Is when the majority of Americans ignore them and do as they please. And that is the primary reason why the media is all in with socialism.  If they cannot connive to convince the majority of Americans what they want them to do?  Then they want and expect the government to do it for them.  

Meanwhile, the lawsuits by Sydney Powell and Lin Wood should rise to the top of the court calendars this coming week.  And if there is going to be an intervention, it will occur in federal court.  Soon followed by the supreme court.  Provided these lawsuits do not end up pushed to the side, with ten foot pole marks all over them.  Because the courts were too afraid to do the right thing.

Because if that happens?  There will be a war. A revolution, a reckoning.  Whatever you choose to call it.  More and more Americans are now becoming aware that this is not just some hair brained conspiracy theory.  The democrats manipulated the votes in this election and the evidence to prove that is mounting daily.  The only question that remains to be asked now is this.

Is there enough evidence for the supreme court to nullify the election and place the presidency into the hands of the house, for a straight up and down vote by state.  I sincerely hope so. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Get Ready. They Are Coming After Your Guns

For those interested or concerned, Joe Biden and the democrats, intend to introduce "revenue enhancing" legislation. Which will in essence tax a myriad of issues. Not the least of which, is that they intend to place a $200 tax on all firearms and magazines, that have more than a 10 round capacity.

And given the opportunity? They intend to make that tax retroactive. Therefore, in other words, they intend to seek a $200 tax on all existing firearms and magazines and require that all existing owned weapons and the purchase of future guns sale, will be required to submit a 13 page federal firearms registration form, including finger prints, for each gun owned or purchased. Placing all Americans on their much desired and long awaited gun registry.

Add to that, they will probably level a similar tax on all ammunition. Therefore, for those who bought into the Biden bullshit story? That he was not going to tax anyone making less than $400,000 a year? Get ready.

Because while he and they may not intend to raise payroll taxes? That is a ruse. They fully intend to tax the hell out of everything else. Including investments, 404K's inheritance taxes, saving and anything else they can get away with in taxes.

And the intended end around to the constitution? Is that they will charge Americans criminally who violate these new taxes? With "tax evasion," for anyone that fails to comply. With a $10,000 fine and ten years in prison for each violation.

These are the facts. Biden and Harris and the rest of that gang of rogues, intend to punish as many Americans as they can, in order to finance their leftist and globalist agenda. So get ready. And it all begins, if they can win the two Georgia senate seats.



Monday, November 23, 2020

Listen To Your Enemies, They Will Tell You Their Intentions

I have warned people of this old axiom, at least as far back as the beginning of the Obama administration. Obama repeatedly told is what he would do, then dis it. And the democrats and the media have done and are doing, the exact same thing. 

Numerous media sources began reporting this same story in the weeks leading up to the election. Yet no one seems to remember any of it. Yet here it is, plain as day, staring us in the face.

So damn your lying eyes. 

President Donald Trump could appear to win the November election in an apparent landslide when the first results come in, but lose once counting mail-in ballots is completed days later.

Hawkfish, a data and analytics firm funded by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, has warned that Trump could win a phantom victory on election night because of the time it takes to tabulate votes sent by mail.

The firm's CEO Josh Mendelsohn told Axios that this result would be a "red mirage" that could pose problems given the president's attacks on mail-in ballots and accusations of voter fraud by Democrats.

Link To News Week article

Exclusive: Dem group warns of apparent Trump Election Day landslide

Saturday, November 21, 2020

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State. There Was & Is a Reason For that.

Malfeasance. It is an interesting yet simple word. Simply defined by definition, it represents any public official who commits wrong doing. Either through ineptitude, or criminal intent.

It is assumed that those who represent us in either elected or appointed offices, do so with at the least an average ability to conduct their offices. Both efficiently and honestly.

However, time and time again, we as American discover, that we have been deceived. Those we have entrusted, have violated our trust. And when that occurs, there needs to be consequences and penalties for those who committed those failures and violations of our trust.

As the November 3rd election continues to play out, we have had several recounts in several states. While we have had other states like Pennsylvania that refuse to recount their votes period.

But more importantly, we have states like Georgia that did do a recount, however, they purposely chose to ignore the obvious. Which was to verify votes by signatures and post marks And compare those votes to the voter rolls. (That was too hard according to the Sec/State)

The Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger basically telling Georgians? 'This is good enough.'

Well it isn't Sir and you know it. Georgians deserve better and so do Americans. Especially when the balance in the US Senate now rests with decisions and votes to be now carried forward to a runoff for two senate seats by Georgians.

But rather than execute their offices with character and the proper decorum to leave no issues of honesty unresolved, those like Raffensperger have chosen to act like petulant children at bath time. I am sorry, but that is not good enough for me.

As I pointed out yesterday, with hundreds of sworn affidavits in the hands of the President's attorneys, alleging observed and witnessed voter fraud? Alleging the changing of ballots, the manufacture of ballots and the receiving of ballots by the truck load after the polls had closed? Trucks that carried pristine ballots marked for Joe Biden and only Joe Biden? This election literally screams for intervention.

Legal intervention by the courts.

However, the best that the American media can muster? Is to cackle like hyenas, while simultaneously seeking to mute the voices of any and all opposition.

Justice is blind they say. Well if there was an effigy of justice in this election? It would be the media with lady liberty tied over an barrel being blind folded gagged and gang raped by the media.

This cannot stand. There have to be consequences for the egregious actions of elected officials both state and local and the media who has furthered it.

If there is nothing to hide? Then stand aside and allow a fair an unbiased, non partisan examination of the ballots and the machines that tabulated them. All it takes are a couple of forensic examinations of these voting machines and the ballots that ran through the counting machines either physically or digitally.

And if there is or has been corruption? It is easily determined. After which, it can be extrapolated, to review the entire process, state by state. But in the mean time? A pretender to the office of the presidency should not be allowed to be sworn in.

The resolution is simple. The evidence exists to call into question and challenge this election in a number of states. Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia and others. More than enough evidence now exists to nullify the election on the grounds of dishonesty and lack of integrity.

After which, the US Supreme Court can intervene and rule the election null and void. After which, as is constitutionally provided, the Supreme Court casts the determination of the presidency to the US House of representatives and the fifty states represented there. Each of which has one vote for the presidency.

Allow the House of Representatives to decide. On a state by state basis and not by individual representative vote. That is the method the framers created for deciding such matters. The same as they created the electoral college, to protect Americans from being bullied by large states and their populations.

But don't you know? The leftist will lose their minds when this occurs. They will scream like wounded banshees, while summoning their demon army of anarchist to take to the streets to destroy this nation. BURN IT DOWN! was and is their mantra, when they don't get their way. And they will set about to do just that.

Therefore, those like you and I?

Need to be prepared to defend what is ours. Both literally and figuratively. We all need to be prepared to defend our persons, our property, our nation and our constitution. As the second amendment was intended.

Well regulated militias of the people can and will be called into service, when the need to beat back tyranny occurs. And tyranny is on our door steps people. So prepare yourselves. Brace yourselves. We may once again need the Minute Men who once preserved this nation.

Friday, November 20, 2020

And Justice For All? Not Quite. 🤔

 So.  How many times have you seen a news conference after a major arrest or a major investigation?  And the media is badgering the authorities for information and evidence. 

And the answer is always the same. The evidence will be revealed in a court of law. It is not the purview of and investigative agency? To placate media hounds with evidentiary information that will prove critical to prosecuting the case. 

And the reason for that? Is that they do not want to taint the evidence, with any pre-trial release of information that could ultimately damage their case. 

So why does the media think or believe that they are entitled to see the evidence that the Trump attorney's have accumulated and are accumulating.  Concerning voter fraud Nd a stolen election. 

Next question. 

The department of justice and the FBI launched a major investigation concerning so called Russian collusion? On what they knew in advance was an unsubstantiated and previously proven false Steele dossier. 

They also knew that the dossier had been created and paid for by the DNC and the Clinton campaign, as purposeful disinformation, yet they went ahead with a criminal investigation anyway. An investigation that led to Falsified FISA warrants and illegal wire tapping by the FBI. And ultimately falsified charges against General Flynn and Roger Stone and others. 

An FBI investigation that led to a three year Mueller investigation, that cost over fifty million dollars. Combined with three separate congressional investigations.  Each of which found nothing. Other than provable criminal conduct and malfeasance by the FBI.  

Add to that?  An impeachment of the president? That was carried out on the basis of a so called "whistle blower?" Who alleged that the president offered a quid pro quo to the Ukrainian president during a phone call. And yet the whistle blower? Has never been officially identified or questioned.  And the impeachment failed on its face.  

Now fast forward to the present. 

The president's attorneys? Have several hundred "sworn affidavits," by individuals in several states, that have sworn that they witnessed inappropriate counting of ballots and the manipulation of votes to benefit Joe Biden. 

These sworn affidavits have attested to the facts that those swearing oaths, witnessed truck loads of pristine ballots, arriving at ballot counting stations in the middle of the night in Pennsylvania and Michigan.  

All of which were tabulated for Joe Biden. As the only vote cast on each ballot. And they have sworn in those affidavits, that there were no down ballot votes for any other candidate on these thousands of pristine ballots. 

So where is the FBI now.  Where are the congressional investigations into these sworn affidavits? By hundreds of whistle blowers. 

We have turned this nation upside down for four years over a proven false and bogus dossier, and ultimately due to the unattested to or sworn statement of an as of yet, never identified single whistle blower.  Yet now? With hundreds of whistle blowers and hard evidence proving election malfeasance, if not out right criminal conduct? The FBI and congress are silent. 

See the problem?  They do not care about evidence or official misconduct or criminality. All they do care about is forcing their preferred perspectives of Nothing to see here. Now ket us move along to the inauguration of Joe Biden as president. 

So, if you do not believe that a deep state exists? Or that this election was manipulated and stolen for Joe Biden? Guess again. And maybe contact your congressmen and senators? And ask them why the FBI has their head in the sand and their collective asses in the air? Ignoring hard evidence.  Evidence that literally screams for justice. 

The American people demand the truth. And we demand that those responsible for this corruption, be brought to justice. And we demand that our president be afforded due process of law and the constitutional provisions enumerated in the 12th and 14th amendment.

Olympus Is Falling

If you are following mainstream media since the election, you may have noted that the elections is over.  Joe Biden has been decided the victor. And decidedly so. 

All you need to do is ask the media and they will tell you. Joe Biden is president by media acclamation, combined with the irrefutable evidence?  That they said so. 

And the sauce for the goose? Is that the president is bunkered in and he has abandoned his presidential responsibilities, to tweet like the mad man that he is. Over his conspiracy theories and his unsubstantiated accusations of voter fraud and a stolen election. :thinking:

Mean while, there are teams of lawyers nationally, including Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell and Lin Wood and others, filing lawsuits and injunctions to both investigate voter fraud and uncover it and reveal it to the public. 

Therefore, you have to ask yourself one question.  Why would these prominent and powerhouse attorneys become involved in and obvious delusion of the president. Why would they not simply step forward and say to the president, "that this is over Mr. President."

I for one? Happen to believe that the answer to that question is very simple. And that answer is because they know fully well that there is a case and that they have the evidence to prove it. 

High priced and high profile attorneys do not suffer fools. And they don't chase rabbits down holes. They assess the cases and injuries brought to them by clients? And they pursue litigation and legal remedies for the clients they serve. Because they recognize that they have winable cases and the evidence to prove tm

And none of the attorneys named above, have demonstrated records of suffering fools or lost causes. Sydney Powell and Lin Wood in particular. Rudy Giuliani may have been out of the game for the last thirty years? But he still knows how to generate media coverage. And he is doing just that. And truth be known? He is scaring hell out of the left right now. And their coconspirators. 

And truth be known about the Trump legal teams game plan right now? Is that they are having Rudy play a part for the media and the leftists. Rudy is a distraction. He is literally the laser pointer right now for the media cats.  They cannot help themselves. And they cannot pass up the opportunities to skewer him and attempt to publicly humiliate him. 

But my belief is? Rudy is taking hits for the team right now. Keeping the media distracted. While the lead dogs Sydney Powell, Lin Wood and Jay Seculow, are doing the special ops legal maneuvers to take down the deep state and reveal them to America.  Once and for all. 

So? If I am right?  Remember where you heard this. Because I have watched Lin Wood operate for over twenty four years now. Ever since he took on the media for Richard Jewel and won. And ever since as recently, as when he took on the media for the high school kid Nicolas Sandman and won. And he will win his defense for the Kid in Kenosha Wisconsin too

And he will win this time for the president. Count on it.

Cancel Thanksgiving.

My mid afternoon musing.  

Reading the headlines after a short nap and the Covid drums are beating louder and louder. The powers that be want to force Americans to abandon their Thanksgiving plans with familyEntirely this year. They want us to bunker in and eat frozen TV dinners. While wearing masks and surgical gloves if we have those.  And for what reasoning?

"To stop the spread!"   Sound familiar?

Well then, how familiar do you think this will become the first week of December. 

Scientist have determined: "Thanksgiving was a nationwide super spreader event!"  

Therefore, local mayors and state governors will implement literal draconian shut downs immediately upon that announcement. And they will do so to insure compliance with "the science," and conformity of their perceptions that Joe Biden has a plan to beat the virus. 

Little do they realize, Joe Biden doesn't have a clue, much less a plan. His plan is to do as he is told by the radical left. And their plan is to drive a stake through the heart of the economic and faith based holiday of Christmas.  With more to come after that, if he is sworn in on January 20th. 

Which means? Plan to cancel Easter and every other holiday in the coming year. With the exceptions of Cinco de mayo and Juneteenth. 😉

Those we have to keep. Because we all know that this virus recognizes proper gatherings and celebrations. 😉 

Reading The Tea Leaves

I wonder how many Americans are reading the tea leaves right now. The signs are both obvious and imminent to me, but maybe that is just me. But as I see things? This is how I see it all shaping up on the horizon of America's future..

Release the Kraken?

Well actually? There are two Krakens Ours and theirs. Our Kraken is the justified belief by millions of Americans That this election was stolen. Add to that the manifest body of our Kraken.

Which is the threat and promises, that the president's attorneys, reportedly have the evidence to prove it. Add to that, that they are gathering more and more evidence daily, concerning the criminal manipulation of votes and voting machines and software, to steal the 2020 election for Joe Biden.

And If these things be true? Joe Biden is not the only one about to go down. If fact? He may be the least of those about to go down. If this evidence is real and can be materialized in a federal court room or before the Supreme Court? It could very well take down the entire deep state in one fell swoop. Including the alphabet agencies who have been providing covering fire for the left for the last five years and before.

Because as it is alleged and reported? The software and the voting machines used in 28-30 states during the 2020 election? Were criminally corrupted. Easily corrupted. But the worst of it may be who was involved. And there are a number of people who believe the deep state, including the US intelligence community, the CIA, NSA FBI and all the other alphabet agencies? Were ass deep in the involvement and implementation of a criminal coup de etat.

The CIA and FBI in particular are the two most obviously involved. Because they were aware of the ease of manipulation and hacking of these voting systems? Because they know that they were developed for Hugo Chavez in Venezuela in 1992. And the FBI and CIA have since observing the success of Chavez' regime to manipulate the votes ever since. And they utilized the same software and voting machines to influence elections all over the world, prior to our own 2020 election.

So ask yourself one simple question. With the known hatred and vitriol of president Trump, by the deep state? Why would they not utilize every tool in their arsenal to defeat him.. And insure his defeat.

Because they know and realize that every day that Donald Trump remains president? Is one day closer to a prison term for many of them.

if our Kraken prevails, it will do so in the Supreme Court and it will be infused with the undeniable constitutionality, that clearly demonstrates precisely how and why Donald Trump has won re-election. As it will revel the fraud and crimes of those who have attempted to steal it.

Their Kraken?

Is unleashed the day that Joe Biden and that rogues gallery of radical leftists are unleashed on this nation. And if they have succeeded in taking control of the senate? Americans will be bull rushed into socialist oblivion. And it won't take them 12 months to accomplish more destruction of this nation, than any enemy has ever inflicted upon us.

The radicals of the left have already been revealing their hands and flashing their shock collars that they intend to place around the neck of Joe the dupe, once he is president.

And the green new deal? Is probably the least of the evils that they intend to inflict upon America. because remember? America must be brought back to heel and Americans must be made to pay for their evil decision to have ever disrespected their masters.

By electing the bad orange man, Americans have signaled to the left, that they are masochist and they seek punishment for the error of their ways.

And once it begins?

they will do away with oil? With fracking? With coal and nuclear fired plants? They will do away with all fossil fuels and produce only alternative fueled vehicles.

They will champion free college, free healthcare, free housing, free incomes. Free everything! Except for the reality that there is nothing that is free. Their version of free? Will be to strip the wealth of Americans and reduce this nation to a third world satellite state.

So brace yourselves. Because there cannot be two winners But there can be millions of losers. ☺️


Thursday, November 19, 2020

Pay No Attention To Those Behind The Curtains

This is what tyranny looks like. The Nazis didn't just assume control absent the complicit actions of those in their universities and media. 

Zyklon B has was not created in a vacuum. It was creates by a collusion of pharmaceutical companies in Germany and America. 

Similarly as these vaccines for Covid are presently being created via similar collusions, via big pharma and the deep state. And those controlling the drama behind the veils and curtains of cover, provided by the media.

We Cannot Live Inside a Cocoon.

Good morning all.  On the way in this morning I am thinking. What in the hell is going on in this country. Have we collectively lost our minds?  Have we lost our individual abilities to make reasoned judgements? 

Apparently so. 

And it did not begin with this pandemic. 

Going back at least twenty years to 9/11. When we suddenly decided that no one should be killed or become a casualty of war. As a nation, we set about to immediately "up-armor" everything. 

HUMVEE's, Bradley fighting vehicles. And that wasn't good enough. We created the MRAP and ceramic body armor and everything a soldier would need to live inside a protected cocoon.  Except there was only one problem. They could not fight or win with those constraints. 

No matter how we attempted to insulate ourselves or our soldiers? They still continued to die and become maimed. Why? Because human beings cannot exist inside of armored bubbles. And they cannot fight an enemy that knows no bounds, while cowering behind perceived armor.  

When you are at war?  You need to take precautions, you need to eliminate risks. But you need to understand one thing. The enemy cannot be defeated by defensive measures. Only through offense will you prevail. 

And that reality holds true, regardless of the enemy. 

In 2020? The enemy we face is SARS Cov2.   This virus is no mystery. The powers that be know precisely where it came from and how it came into existence.  

It was and is a biological weapon. With the exception? That it has been turned into a political weapon by our enemies within our gates. 

And just like the IED's deployed against us in the middle east? America cannot hope to either pretend that the enemy is not there, or that we are best protected by endless layers of masks and societal lock downs. 

The president was correct when he surmised, that we cannot allow the cure to be worse than the disease. Yet for over nine months now, the so called science and the talking heads like Fauci, have refused to investigate ALL possibilities for either a cure or a treatment. They would rather continue to play politics, while Americans suffer and die. 

They do not want to hear about what they call anecdotal evidence. All they worship or approve of  are blind studies and data. 

In 1918-1919? Over three billion people were infected with the Spanish Flu globally. Over fifty million people died. We did not have the knowledge then that we have now. 

Fast forward 100 years? And we have better technology, better medicines, better doctors and a myriad of other things, that previous generations did not have. But the one thing we are sorely missing? That one tangible item that we are severely lacking?

Common sense. 

If masks can help prevent the spread? Great! If maintaining social distancing in public and around large gatherings of the public can help prevent the spread?  Great!

However, we cannot become prisoners in our own homes. We cannot continue to hide from the reality that their is an evil among us?  We cannot destroy our country and our economy with lock downs. 

We have already seen thousands of small businesses go under in the last nine months, and they will not return. The same has happened and is happening to major corporations and brands like JC Penney and others. America cannot survive like that.  Working class and middle income Americans cannot survive like that. 

And Joe Biden's solution?  Follow the science and shut down the virus.  Which translated means: "lock down the country."  Live in a bubble.  Cancel Thanksgiving  and Christmas and everything else.  

Learn to live with their new normal. Which translates to: "learn to die with their new normal."  

MRAPs and up armored HUMVEE's and ceramic body armor did not completely protect our soldiers from death or grievous injuries the last twenty years, and neither will lock downs protect us from the evil of this virus, or the evil of politicians, hell bent to hold power and control over us, as the dark lords of tyranny. 

Make no mistake folks, we as Americans are fighting two evils in America today. The evil of a virus and the evil of politicians, hell bent for absolute socialist control of our nation and our future. 

As someone once wisely said:  "You can vote yourself into socialism, but you will have to shoot your way out of it." Which future do you want to see in America. It is time to take a stand. Individually and collectively. If not us? Then who. 

This nation was founded on the principles of we the people.  And it is past the time that we remembered that and started acting like it. Speak up now, or forever hold your peace. 

Semper FI

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

What Are The Numbers

"The 1918 influenza pandemic was the most severe pandemic in recent history. It was caused by an H1N1 virus with genes of avian origin. Although there is not universal consensus regarding where the virus originated, it spread worldwide during 1918-1919. In the United States, it was first identified in military personnel in spring 1918. It is estimated that about 500 million people or one-third of the world’s population became infected with this virus. The number of deaths was estimated to be at least 50 million worldwide with about 675,000 occurring in the United States." 🤔


The Tricks of The Trade of Media

 One of the primary and recurring trick of the trade in media, is to spin what is said ir stated, into something entirely different from the original or intended meaning. 

In the wake if Charlottesville, the president said "that there were good people on both sides."  He never said that those violently protesting on either side were good people. But the media immediately tried to re-couch what he said into a meaning that he was supporting white supremacist. 

When he posed and honest question, asking if it were possible to find a disinfectant for the human blood stream, the media immediately began stating that the president was recommending that people drink bleach or Lysol.  That is not what he said and that was never what he intended.  

Yet the media consistently convolutes everything he says, into an entirely different meaning. 

And they do the same thing with anyone who makes any statement against their propagated memes of science or anything else. 

The media has spent the last four years telling the American people that the 2016 election was interfered with by the Russians and that President Trump's election was illegitimate. Yet in the face of mounting evidence that the November 3rd election was manipulated in favor of Joe Biden, we are told that the election is over, end of story. Yet they continue to refuse to investigate the Hunter Biden and Joe Biden Ukrainian and Chinese business dealings. Dealing that have now been revealed and supported by facts and evidence. 

The president should have stopped calling them fake news long ago, and instead labeled them for precisely what they are. A propaganda ministry. Administered and controlled by leftist and socialist and globalist interests and financing. 

Everything the president has stated over the last four years has been immediately labeled as unsubstantiated. And yet when his assertions are proven true? As in the now proven allegations that the FBI and those in the Obama spied on his campaign?  The media ignores the evidence  

The same as they are ignoring the growing body of evidence that votes were manipulated and switched to Biden in the November 3rd election  or that votes for the president were left completely uncounted  

So believe what you choose to believe, but at the least, avail yourself of the facts. And do not look to the media for truth on any level. Because they are the progeny of the father of all lies.   

Hate Speech?

This is what they suspended me for 3 days for "hate speech" for on Facebook three days before the election  

The American people are by and large ignorant, malleable fools.  Oblivious to life and the realities present in this country daily.  Including the pervasive evil that masquerades as fairness. 

Fairness? Is the worm on the hook of socialism. Socialists and their egalitarian brethren, use fairness as the bait.  The bait that suckers in the immature and the uneducated. 

But so many more Americans have college degrees today, you might say. Really? And what is the worth of those degrees. 

What value do they have when these young and brain numbed zombie millennials attempt to market those degrees. I say the same value as those of the generation X that came before them. 

The failure of education in this country did not present itself with the current generation. It has manifest itself abundantly, over the last forty years. 

Lessons of life are no longer taught in our schools or universities. Civics, personal responsibility, the commonality of striving for goals? None of those have value in our America today. All having long since been replaced by theories and perceptions. Perceptions that foist the ideologies of "imagine."

Just imagine!  And the possibilities of the universe will reveal themselves to you.  Just imagine!

Imagining is a different representation for dreaming.  There is nothing wrong with dreaming? Just as long as you understand that success is achieved? When opportunity meets ability.  And absent ability, those capable of providing opportunity will pass you by. Which means, you have to possess skills and abilities beyond dreaming or imagining. 

If you are paying attention to economist and others? We have tens of millions of college graduates who are floundering. They are unable to find a job either commensurate with their degree or their expectations.  

Add to that reality, the reality that millions of them are ass deep in "college loans."  And they are unable to even begin to pay those loans back. They would rather have the option and ability? To simply imagine that those obligations simply went away. 

Hence another bait on the hook of socialism. These kids of today? Look at government as their nanny and they want their nanny to kiss their boo boos and make them go away. 

That is what they have been taught to believe is the responsibility of government. Make everything fair!  If life is unfair?  Because of their own personal failures and inability to succeed? Then it is government's duty to make life fair.  And what better way to do that, than to take from the achievers and redistribute the wealth to the unfortunate whiners. 

So when the socialist anglers cast their lines and their nets at their targets? The would be victims are clueless to the realities they are buying into.  

All they know and all they understand? Is that the so called progressive democrats, are promising free stuff and to ease their pain.  

They are promised parity with those who have actually struggled and survived and earned their livelihoods.  But none of that matters to this brood of would be recruits for socialism. All they know? Is that other people have what they want and what they deserve.  And that isn't fair!

If America functioned as it was intended, there would be no need for a bombastic braggart, egotist and street fighter businessman to pull us back from the abyss.  

But America stands on the cusp of its death spiral and has for the last fifteen years.  And it does so, because of those who have been elected and entrusted to preserve and protect our freedoms and ability to succed and achieve. 

American media and our premiere law enforcement agencies, should be diligently working to either establish or dispel the revelations of the Bidens right now.  But they aren't

The media having long since abandoned their constitutional mandate to serve the people and not the elitists upper classes. 

The only freedom the American press either enjoys or employs in today's America? Is the freedom to deceive. 

They are paid to deceive and they are paid handsomely. Therefore, they are reluctant to bite the hands that feed them. Their existence today? Is more akin to circus performers. And they are paid well for their three ring circuses they put forth as journalism.  

And the same is true of the Washington elite and those bureaucrats that have now swarmed to create the deep state.  

All they want and wish for, is that the evil orange man be defeated and cast aside. So that they can return to their glory days of deceiving all of the people all of the time. While they systematically dismantle the foundations of this nation. 

President Lincoln rightly observed, that a nation divided against itself, cannot stand.  But what of a nation that has been so thoroughly divided, while those in the shadows of government and bureaucracy,  have been steadily undermining the very foundations of our republic. 

Is it any wonder then, that we have seen and are still witnessing, an ever more complacent and do nothing FBI?  

Or that the powers that be of media decide what is truth and then mute and deny the right of the people to even discuss what many are seeing daily.  

Damn your lying eyes! 

Sit down and shut up! 

We know what is best and we will utilize all the power we have to force our truths on you, while denying the reality. 

"Medice, cura te ipsum."

Physician, heal thyself!

In Luke 4:23 Jesus is quoted as saying, "Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, 'Physician, heal thyself': whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country."

Far too many Americans look upon Donald Trump as a physician. They believe that he and only he can save this nation. 

While others believe? That the democrats, led by Biden (for the time being), are the only physicians capable of salving over the raw wounds of social failure, that Trump has revealed to them. 

They are like vampires in the sunlight. They want the great Biden and his representations and promises of social Nirvana, to cast shade on them and shelter them from the searing light of day. 

Meanwhile, the simple truth is this. Donald Trump is no physician. He is at best a paramedic. Someone trying his best to bandage the wounds of death by 1000 cuts, that the leftist and their socialist brethren have inflicted on this nation. 

His tools are tourniquets and bandages, but he cannot stop the bleeding alone. And at best, his accomplishments to date, have been to staunch the blood loss.  As the life blood of this nation has been drained away. 

But he cannot even do that by himself.  He needs the help of those in the senate and hopefully the house at some point. 

Meanwhile, the leftist democrats and their Marxist supporters, have prescribed that patient America be bled more.  They are fully on board with the blood letting. In our streets and in our halls of government, and in our economy. 

They are truly the practitioners of the ancient arts of bleeding the patient. No different than the so called physicians of 200 years ago. The same physicians that killed George Washington?   They are who Are  metaphorically occupying the halls of congress today. And given the chance, they will control the senate and the white house through blood letting. 

Their desire is rather than to nurture the geese that lay the golden eggs, they want to kill them. Their goals are to slaughter them. And ravage the bounty. 

After which their intent is to spread their new found wealth. (Supposedly) 

Yet the reality is and always has been, that their version of spreading the wealth, is to hoard it for themselves. While reigning over and lording over the peons who provided them the ability to do so. 

Joe Biden has made one statement in the past few days that is truthful. If we choose to allow it to happen? If we choose to buy into those enticing baits being dangled before our eyes by the left? We will truly enter into a dark winter and a dark age. 

Because just as the mouse that never considers where the free cheese came from? Americans can easily find themselves hooked and twisting in the nets of the leftist mantras of imagine.  

We are what we allow ourselves to be. 

Shut Down The Virus? How?

If you are paying attention to the MSM reports on Covid?  Its getting worse by the day. The Covid apocalypse is definitely upon us. And the president did absolutely nothing about it. That is, if you listen to the lap dog media. 

Meanwhile, Joe Biden keeps saying that "we need to shut the virus down."  Like it has a kill switch. Well, the only kill switch the virus has that I know of?  Is to either kill those with pre-existing conditions?  Or kill the rest if us with a dead economy and rampant unemployment and inflation.  

I am all ears Joe. Please tell us exactly how you intend to shut the virus down. Other than to shut this nation down again. And this time with a vengeance.  And this time when you do that, there will be no recovery.  

America will be dead as a hammer. Leading economists are already saying that it will take another four years. (2024) to bring the country back to where we were pre-Covid. And your plan of no plan, could easily push that date back another ten years. If then. 

So Joe? If you intend to make the 800 pound gorilla in the room vanish? Parlor tricks and illusions won't cut it. Follow the science?  Go ahead. Let Tony Fauci march your ass down the yellow brick road to oblivion. 

Because there are no magical Wizards in the Emerald City. Only flying monkeys. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Who Won. And Does it Matter

If you listen to the democrats and their media lap dogs, everything has been decided.  Joe Biden is a legitimately elected president and America should move on. President Trump should concede, resign what's left of his term and hand the keys to the kingdom to messer Biden and his doppelgänger Kamala.  

But wait?  Haven't we just spent four years and well over 100 million dollars of taxpayer money? Being told that the Trump presidency wasn't legitimate?  And between the Russian Collusion investigation, the Mueller investigation and the bogus impeachment over a phone call, well over 100 million tax dollars have been wasted and pissed await by the same democrats? That want to hold hands now and sing Kumbaya  

And now?  Everything is supposed to be different. We are told to ignore that man behind the curtain!  Ignore the Hunter Biden computer records.  Ignore the direct references to "The Big Guy."  Ignore the veracity of the allegations.  

But most of all? Ignore the questionable votes that appeared in this election to mysteriously give Biden the win.  Ignore the fact that state laws were changed to provide for a cleaner path to the presidency, for one candidate over the other. 

Ignore the fact that thirty states utilized the same flawed vote tabulating machines and software. Ignore the fact that the votes from those machines were shipped digitally to Germany, to be counted by a Spanish company.  

Ignore the fact that the US Army was sent to Frankfurt Germany to seize that company's computer server? Before those vote tallies could be examined or scrutinized.   

Then ask yourself another question. Who has the capability to authorize and order the US Army, to enter into another sovereign state? And seize the property of an entity not based in America.  

Two answers come to my mind.    

The first being the commander in chief   But then why would the president take an action that would harm his own better interest.   

The second choice is plainly more simple and obvious. Someone in the Pentagon or the Joint Chiefs, could easily make that call. And they did. 

 Que up the deep state as they strike again.  

And as it stands presently, the media and the left have made their decisions on this election and they are trying to force the perspectives of the rest of America.  And as it stands, there are only two avenues to victory left for Donald Trump, both involving constitutional intervention  

The 12th and the 14th amendments provide president Trump a remedy to remain as president. These two amendments provide the president a path to re-election, either through the congress via the 12th amendment, or via the supreme court, via the 14th amendment  

Neither of which are resolutions that the left will abide by  

In either event, we should know the results by the middle of next month   And we will  because if either course is successfully pursued and results in the president being declared the winner?

Then all manner of hell will descend upon this nation and the educated, yet unwashed in the blood masses. And they will seek to summon the demons of hell to destroy this nation   

And you can count on that  

Sunday, November 15, 2020

New stats reveal massive NYC exodus amid coronavirus, crime


More than 300,000 New Yorkers have bailed from the Big Apple in the last eight months, new stats show.

City residents filed 295,103 change of address requests from March 1 through Oct. 31, according to data The Post obtained from the US Postal Service under a Freedom of Information Act request.

Since the data details only when 11 or more forwarding requests were made to a particular county outside NYC, the number of moves is actually higher. And a single address change could represent an entire household, which means far more than 300,000 New Yorkers fled the five boroughs.

So what else is new..  The elites and those who can afford it?  Are de-assing "The Death Star."  Before Darth Vader Cuomo crashes the entire state. 

Link to Report

Republicans seek to batter Warnock ahead of Georgia runoff

This is why I hate mainstream media so much.  The bias is palpable.

Read these first two paragraphs.   Republicans "are launching an all out assault?"  As if the democrats aren't? As if the democrats are not  channeling hundreds of millions of dollars in leftist and Hollywood and big tech and silicon valley money into Georgia for these two races?

And Warnock's connections to the radical left are not "so called." 

They are identifiable and provable. Jeremiah Wright preached and preaches "Black Liberation Theology."  Rafael Warnock has referred to Rev Jeremiah Wright?  As a "visionary and a prophet."

Jeremiah Wright is an outwardly and openly racist and race driven religious theorem practitioner. And this is who Warnock refers to as visionary and as a prophet. 

Warnock was also a member of a group that openly welcomed Fidel Castro to this country as a "speaker."

"Republicans are launching an all-out assault on Democrat Raphael Warnock ahead of the January Senate runoff in Georgia, surfacing months of opposition research that went largely unused leading up to last week’s general election"

"Warnock’s opponent, Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.), has already put more than $1 million behind two new attack ads that seek to tie Warnock to the so-called “radical left” and accuse him of celebrating “anti-American hatred.”

Link To Report

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Red Pill or Blue? Red State or Blue? You Decide.

My Saturday morning epiphany. 
As those who hold the reins of power in America this morning, continue to try to drive conservatives, Christians and other Americans farther and farther away from their morals and values, know this.
There are those of us who do not follow the crowds. Or the media mob, or the blinded lemmings and sheeple headed for the cliff.
Most Americans will simply not become hermits, because others have accepted aberrant societal values, and have dove into the trash heap of morality. We won't be living off the grid and vanish to the eyes of the more hip and plugged in to of the new norm. We will not simply cease to exists. However, much of what we have patronized and supported all our lives? Already has vanished in our eyes and lives as it has abandoned us.

From products and brands, celebrities, sports teams, including college teams. You name it.
And if you do not believe that? Take a look at the landscape of America this last year and since the Obama regime Using myself as an example. There is an ever increasing cadre of businesses and corporate brands that I no longer contribute to with my money. I simply refuse to buy their products or support their brands. Because they have abandoned me. Or they have chosen to join the mad rush to brand others who do not agree with them? With the scarlet letter of racism. 
Sometimes walking away from relationships is a bit painful or uncomfortable? As it concerns products and former allegiances. Because you have to leave you comfort zone to abandon these individuals and entities. But having considered that they and their newly embraced values abandoned me and you? Absent remorse or apology? I felt it only fitting to reciprocate as I hope you have also. 
I have done the same thing with individuals and celebrities and so called athletes and stars. Those I have followed for years and decades. And yes, I have done the same with some people in my life. They directly offended me, by their choices to openly offend me, while expecting me to simply cower to their values or lack there of. I do not follow the crowds and I will not be shamed or blackmailed by racial blackmail or the collusion of media to force public perspectives and the acceptability of the aberrant
I believe that regardless of duration of friendships or other connections with family, that there comes a time when you just have to cut people loose. They have cut me loose? So what is the problem if you and I shove off from their proximity, never to return. 
One of the recurring truths I have learned in my life, is that if you will not stand for something, you will fall for anything. And I have never seen that truth more glaring than I do today.
The media in America has made themselves and social media into an intoxicating narcotic for the masses. Fifteen years ago? No one had ever heard of social media or facebook or twitter or instagram or tiktok, but now? They look like junkies needing a fix, if they cannot get on their accounts daily to chit chat and share bullshit stories.
I will admit, I was no different for several years. However, as I have seen the landscape of sociopolitical society being shaped by social media over the last five years? It truly scares me and worries me..
To me it is almost as if we have truly become plugged in to the Matrix. We exist as we are told to exist. Via the information plugged into our existence by these highways of controlled thought.
Well as for me? I am unplugging from the thought police of the Matrix. I will create my own reality, before I allow a myriad of Agent Smiths to control my every waking thought. 
We as Americans have to reclaim our country, our morals, our values, our culture, our history and most of all? Our pride. Because absent these qualities? We are nothing but going through the motions. While the truth sayers of or present Orwellian and soon to be dystopian world, call the dance and all that we do. 
So what pill do you want? Red or Blue? And what political reality do you choose? Red or Blue. 🤔


The Down Hill Slide.

We are on the down hill slide now. There remains one slim chance that the president can win re-election and that is through the 12th amendment, and being appointed by the majority of states, but I simply do not see that happening.
And if it did this nation would erupt into civil war. Not that it isn't headed that way already, but we would be head there a lot sooner. As it stands, Joe Biden is like the beautifully carved bow head of famous ships of long ago.
These beautiful carvings bore Mermaids and busty voluptuous women, or Dragons or Angels and such Each meticulously hand carved to represent the embodiment of the ship and it's purpose. However, richly carved and painted were nothing more than symbols. The real power stood behind them on the decks commanding the wheel and the sails.
Alone they were nothing more than hollowed embodiment's to be challenged in battle. And such is the reality and future of Joe Biden as far as I am concerned. And once the guns blaze? The left will ditch him like a broken masthead. To be replaced by a younger and more aggressive symbol of the new risen egalitarian realm of socialism and the radical that is to engulf us as a nation.
The best Donald Trump can hope for at this point is to lead a gracious and powerful exit. Skip the inauguration. Fuk Biden and the rest of that putrid flotsam that passes for a congress
After the way they disrespected him for four years? I say he is entitled to piss down their legs as he walks out.
After which, he needs to step back and resume his life and rebuild his empire. And hopefully startup a media company to compete with and shut Fox News down completely.
I now see Fox News in the same light as I saw CNN twenty years ago. And for the exact same reasons. Fox sold out to the glitz and the notoriety and the ass rubbing with celebrities and the power elite. The same as CNN and the others.
They sold their souls and it shows.
Therefore, Fox needs to hire more appropriate personalities to shore up their dwindling audience now. Maybe a few more LGBTQ and some Transgenders. Definitely more Muslims and more people of color. All will fit right in at Fox Now.
As for me? I now have a subscription to OANN and NewsMax. I have Brietbart and The Epoch Times. And Fox being the last of the Mahicans? Can kiss my ass. 👍


Friday, November 13, 2020

What Then

As a police officer, who spent thirty years in law enforcement, one immutable truth that I can certify is this. 

When we choose to turn our heads and turn a blind eye as a society, to the the little things?  The larger and larger problems will become more and more frequent. The big things will then become more and more frequent. 

And violence and attacks on individuals and their property in neighborhoods will lead that new normal. 

In Atlanta everyday, we have dozens and dozens of those cruising the streets on dirt bikes and ATV's. Absent helmets riding vehicles that are not and cannot be licensed to be on the roadway. Yet they are.  And they are there for a reason. 

And that reason is, that no one is doing anything about it. The police have been ordered not to intervene. 

These individuals routinely run red lights, ride into oncoming traffic on the wrong side of the road? At night and with bo mights on. And most often while doing wheel stands with wide open mufflers. 

There are also dozens and dozens of those in cars, similarly roaring around with loud mufflers on their cars and blaring music that will rattle windows.  Day and night. 

And no one does anything about it. The police have been ordered to stand down on these law violations and everyone else is too afraid to take exception to these rolling nuisances and hazards to the public. 

Meanwhile, all you have to do is stand on any corner? And the smell of marijuana routinely waifs by day in and day out. 

Meanwhile, those on these electric

Scooters are routinely, endangering pedestrians on the sidewalks. 

And every time there is some incident involving the police being forced to use force?  The rabble rousers and the anarchist, immediatrly take to the streets to riot and burn the property of others. 

Add to that a palpable arrogance of certain individuals in cars and in my opinion, the police have lost control of this city as they have in other cities, all over this country.  

At some point in the near future, there will be a reckoning. There will come a time when these renegades and anarchist heathens take to the streets in neighborhoods. 

Terrorizing those who foolishly believed that this rampaging and terror in the streets would never reach or affect them. 

And it will occur? Because we have allowed those who protect us and the rule of law, to be attacked, belittled and demonized. To the point where, at some point, they will choose to walk away and go home to protect their own property. 

And what happens then.  Who will those so thoroughly entrenched in their false belief in egitarianism call to save them. 

Decisions will be made.  Decisions to either survive and protect your own? Or accept becoming a slave to the eminent violence that will come. 

So once it begins, what will be the answer then. You decide. Or your fate will be decided for you.