Friday, November 04, 2011

Rabbit Hole Reasoning

It has reached the point where radical egalitarianism has literally permeated and infected every level of our society. Somewhere over the past forty years, we have replaced common sense and reason, with the overwhelming desire for the false god of egalitarian fairness at all costs. We have abandoned time honored traditions and created policies and laws that prosecute the most trivial of actions, while at the same time we have abandoned and ignored the crime and criminals who truly are destroying our way of life.

It is my firm belief that one of the foremost tools of the egalitarian rape of this nations children, are the "zero tolerance" laws and policies that have become ubiquitous over the last thirty years. As yet another example, we have reports today of a child suspended from school for the offense of hugging a friend. When hugs by our kids become offensive and a violation of reason, yet the touting of homosexuality and transgendered lifestyles are not, then in my opinion our moral compasses have been smashed and the entire society has gone down the rabbit hole.

Student Suspended for Breaking School's Zero-Tolerance No-Hugging Policy

A 14-year-old Florida student who hugged his friend was suspended as a result of his middle school's zero-tolerance no-hugging policy, reported.

Nick Martinez said he gave a quick hug to his best friend, a female student, between classes.

The public display of affection was spotted by the principal of Palm Bay's Southwest Middle School, 74 miles southeast of Orlando. While the principal said he believed the hug was innocent, he brought the two students to the school's dean, who penalized them with in-school suspensions.

According to the Southwest Middle School's student handbook, students can receive a one-day out-of-school suspension for kissing, while students caught hugging or hand-holding are penalized with a dean's detention or suspension.

What level of idiocy is this? We are paying billions in taxes for our schools and our children's educations each year, and those charged with the responsibility of teaching, can't even make the most simple and basic judgement calls.

They have given over their authority to act as reasoned adults and replaced there obligation to our children to act responsibly, with a mechanism that is right out of Orwell's 1984 in my opinion.

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