Friday, November 04, 2011

Jesse Ventura: Arrogancy and Idocy

I am sorry, but I have never had a lot of use for this man on any level. As either a politician or an entertainer. His bilious over the top approach to everything that he does is enough to annoy any reasoned person. But what he did today is totally out of bounds with me. He is welcome to be mad at the courts or the airlines or the judges or anyone else who is the object of his animosity, but I draw the line when ANYONE runs my country down or is dishonorable to our national anthem. Especially when the root cause is arrogant idiocy.

It wasn't the country or it's people or its anthem that ruled against you today Jesse, it was a corrupted activist judiciary and if you had more than sub average intelligence and reasoning faculties, you would realize that and directed your tantrum at the real source of your anxiety.

I tell you what Jesse, what about this offer? You can take your over blown ego to Mexico and bloviate your petulant arrogance to the peasant folk down there to your heart's content, just don't continue spilling your bile here amongst Americans who love and support their nation, its flag and its anthem.

Ventura's Rant

Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura is so upset by the dismissal of his airport security lawsuit that he threatened Friday to apply for dual citizenship so he can spend more time in his beloved Mexico — or run for president of what he labeled "the Fascist States of America."

"I will never stand for a national anthem again. I will turn my back and I will raise a fist," he said.

And by the way sport, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

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