Obama pleads for $50 billion in state, local aid
President Obama urged reluctant lawmakers Saturday to quickly approve nearly $50 billion in emergency aid to state and local governments, saying the money is needed to avoid "massive layoffs of teachers, police and firefighters" and to support the still-fragile economic recovery.
What say we just funnel that money into state unemployment coffers, seeing as that is where it is headed anyway. The simple facts of the matter are this....the United States is broke....busted. And so are many of the individual states. (probably two thirds of them.)
So where is the money going to come from? We as states or as a nation as a whole, can no longer finance the pipe dreams of sugar plum worlds as seen through the eyes of narcissistic secular humanist and socialists. We simply cannot afford it. We never could afford it, but we went ahead anyway and mortgaged our future and that of our children, while chasing these willow wisp dreams of ideological Nirvana. And now the bill is due and there is absolutely no way to avoid the inevitable. And the inevitable is bare bones austerity and bankruptcy on all levels of government as we know it.
The president says that something must be done quickly to shore up these faltering states, or teachers and other government employees will be laid off. There is no mention of the levels of redundant bureaucracy that have created this dilemma over the last forty years in education.
We were told for the last twenty five years that our children's education was the most important thing period. Based on that, we have tripled the number of teachers in the education system, reduced the number of student to teacher ratios, created 'special needs' classrooms and state funded day care and lunch room programs. We have put computers in every classroom in America and devised every form of new test and analysis possible to prove that our forced reality of simply pouring more money into education was the only answer and would work.
So here we sit thirty odd years into that socialist hustle and what do we have to show for it? Stellar schools? Outstanding students? Brilliance in education on all levels? A system and students that are the envy of the world? No....What we have is a system failed and trillions spent on feel good programs and an ever expanding universe of public employees in the teaching fields that have produced nothing of measurable quality aside from failure heaped upon failure.
Our parents and grand parents got better educations using chalkboards and pencils while eating bologna sandwiches and peanut butter. Yet the never ending siren song continues. And now our dear president is serving up the latest version. We either cough up another $50 billion that we don't have? Or a lot of these teachers are going to be laid off.
What happens if while trying to save the excess numbers of teachers, we lose public safety personnel and first responders and those that also really matter to the safety and well being of society as a whole.
Yes, there are about to be some tough choices put on the table. There have to be for this nation to survive. But the choice of just throwing more money that we don't have at the problem, is not really a choice or an option.
Sooner or later, our bankers will make the choice for us. Sooner or later we as a nation are going to be told that our credit line is tapped out and that there will be no more money loaned to us. Which leaves a couple of stark realities. Either we allow some of the excess to fall away now and be cut and tighten our belts, or we lose the entire ball of wax.
Which in my estimation will lead to war either domestically or globally and probably both. And don't forget, there are countries all over this planet in equal and worse shape than we are economically. So it is a global problem. When America stumbles and falls, there will be a cacophony of crashes that follow and most of Europe and Asia follow suit. There is not a dot on the globe right now where you can look and see a country just sailing along flush with money. They are all in trouble.
So bellow and roar all you want about these poor states that cannot afford their payrolls Mr. president, just don't forget, neither can we as a nation. And all that you will accomplish by trying to bail them out, is in the end to drown us all.
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