Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It's time to dissolve the bands

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

It's been a long time since those words were first penned, but the relevancy of their urgency remain as true and clear as the claret moment of oppression that inspired them over two hundred years ago. Of late I have been apprised by my media, that there are those who have placed warnings on those words and others uttered and penned by our founding fathers, but all the secular wailing in creation changes not a jot of truth found in those words and later on in our constitution.

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. And this is not a drill nor some dexterity test for typing. There is a deadly serious and earnest reality that is closing in around this nation. A smothering cloak as never before seen.

Some now call it the rise of socialism and in large part that is true, but this is not the first wave or the beginnings of the war against America or her citizens. This war has been being waged all along and it dates back one hundred ad fifty years and before. Our founding fathers knew first hand what oppression was and they set about to shake off the coils of an ever oppressive government to become free men and to establish a nation that could be preserved by its people, independently in the face of tyranny

Since then, our descendants fought the bloodiest war in the history of this nation, in order to attempt to remain free and to attempt to hold onto the freedoms that had been wrestled away from tyranny at the cost of blood during our revolution. And sadly, that war over states rights was lost.

Today we find ourselves every bit as oppressed by government and far more so that our forefathers ever dreams up. We as a nation are paralyzed by an omnipresent federal government that refuses to allow for individual freedom and daily takes away more and more of the few rights that we do have left under the constitution. And each time and as with all tyranny, we are told that it is for our own protection and our own good.

There are endless examples of the creeping tyranny that surrounds us, but just of late what is occurring in the Gulf of Mexico stands out as the true reality of what we are all faced with. The state of Louisiana has twice now been thwarted by agencies of the federal government, from protecting their own lands and beaches and property from the devastation of the Gulf oil spill.

Having waited for weeks for the federal government to do something to intercede to protect the state from the oil that is now spewing into the gulf and has been for months, the federal government only action has been to intervene and stop Louisiana from deploying barges to suck up the oil. And now they have intervened and stopped the state from building sand berms to attempt to keep the oil at bay.

The immediate question might rightfully be asked, "what has the federal government done to protect Louisiana?" But everyone already knows the answer to that rhetorical question. "Nothing!" And so goes the same with the states that border Mexico and ultimately with the pleas of an entire nation in majority that seeks to have the federal government do their jobs and protect our borders from the continuing invasion of illegal criminals.

As I type, the state of Arizona is literally under siege and an invaded section of American territory. And not only has the federal government refused to act to protect the citizens of Arizona, they have (under the guidance of the president) instituted law suits against a sovereign US state for the crime of attempting to protect themselves from that which the federal government refuses to protect them from. And this administration has encouraged the government of the invaders from Mexico to do the same!

In my own memory and life time, I have seen hundreds of similar actions by the federal government. Actions where individuals and states were punished with law suits and denial of federal funding for failing to dance to the tunes played and the directives demanded by Washington. Far too many instances to relate, but the reality of their effect on this nation remains the same. And the reality of Americans standing idly by while an omnipresent federal government gobbles up more and more individual and states rights, while punishing all who would object and stand up against the heresy is appalling.

The founding fathers feared an omnipresent government and the potential for any one individual or group of individuals from rising to the point of power and control, as to impose their will over the majority of Americans. The founding fathers feared those who might one day declare themselves king and rule by caveat. Little did they realize that this nation would one day evolve into a twisted entity of government, where by cabinet secretaries could wield more power than a president or congress.

Little did they realize that the guardians of the gates of freedom, those individuals empowered and entrusted with protecting this nation's freedoms by the first amendment to the constitution, would one day turn upon this nation and do all in their power to circumvent our freedoms in collusion with an oppressive government. But both of these realities have now come to pass.

There are many who seek the down fall of this nation. And we presently have an administration that many rightfully are calling a regime. A regime that allows its cabinet secretaries to write policy and enact laws for this nation and to in fact over step and trump federal judges who might otherwise attempt to utilize the checks and balances that the founding fathers gave us to protect us from executive caveats.

This nation is in a pitiful state of affairs and we are at the crossroads of either the fall or preservation of our freedom in my opinion. Our forefathers fought two wars to prevent what is happening to the people of this country today. The first war was fought for our independence from the tyranny of English monarchy. The last was fought over the very issues of which I am speaking today.

It as been taught in the classrooms of this nation for several generations now, that the civil war was fought over slavery. That is a lie and it has always been a lie. The civil war was fought first and foremost over states rights and the ability of the people to resist the omnipresent and stifling controls of a federal government whose purpose had become power to the few as opposed to the many.

As history shows, our southern ancestors lost that war. And as a result they paid a terrible price immediately and for decades afterward. But the true costs and price to be paid as a result of the loss, didn't come until the next century, when America was subjugated and placed completely under the heel of the whims of Washington and the socialist progressive governments that have existed since the 1920's.

Again, there are countless examples and far too many to even attempt to recall in this brief writing, but the students of history know of what I am referring. Just as they know that the old axiom truthfully reads. "history is written by the victors."

Today in America, we continue down a dark path toward oblivion. At a time when our government should be fulfilling it's obligation to protect this nation, it is further subjugating it's citizens to the influences and controls of a secular egalitarian reality that strives to destroy this nation and replace it with a secular humanist society of socialism and a drone existence.

Our fore fathers fought to both create and preserve this nation and our freedoms and today? We sit idly like sheep awaiting the slaughter as everything that should be important to us, is taken away and replaced with more government regulation of our lives. Too afraid and too cowed to stand up for ourselves or our neighbors. To afraid to assert and demand that which we know is right and that which we know as a nation we are entitled to. And the band plays on and each day one more brick is placed in the wall and we as a people are further bricked in and relegated to live dependent upon that omnipresent federal government.

I say that it's time to re-think the partnership and to once again dissolve the bands. I say that it is time for Americans to stand up and to stand against those who would steal our freedoms and collude with our enemies to deprive us as a nation and as individuals. The time has come when we as Americans should stand and tell the federal government not no.....but "Hell No!" That we aren't going to take it any more. We aren't going to continue to allow lunacy and heresy to prevail as either official policy or law in this land.

Our country has been invaded. The citizens of Arizona need help. The citizens of the other states should be calling upon their governor's to send their own national guard units to the borders to help our neighbors in Arizona and the federal government be damned! If enough Americans would simply stand united? These things could be accomplished and this country could be re-taken and freedom re-established!

The same is true with Louisiana. The other states should be sending their aid to Louisiana and all the gulf states in the face of this travesty of response by our federal government. And as states, we should refuse to pay taxes to a government that fails to abide by the constitutionally mandated partnership, bonds and requirements that the federal government provide protection to the citizens of the United States.

If the federal government is not united in it's ability or desire to provide for the safety and well being of the member states? Then the member states should abandon that government in the same fashion that it has abandoned them. The states should form a new government if need be, or simply become a confederacy of states as was once attempted by those who saw the dangers of the loss of states rights and an out of control federal government drunk with power.

Will these things I speak of come to pass on their own? I seriously doubt it. There will be much fire and much pain and much pestilence before the people who remain in this country, will once again stand and declare themselves free. And when they finally do, there will be those who will remember. They will be there to stand testament to what occurred and why and they will give testimony to the never ending need for vigilance.

As Jefferson once so rightfully said......

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. ... God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion; what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms." -- Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith, 1787

It took eighty four years the first time and it has been one hundred and fifty years since the last time. The tree of liberty is parched and those who know and understand such things know why.And as the document says.......
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security"