President Barack Obama likened the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico to the September 11 attacks in an interview published on the eve of his fourth visit Monday to the stricken region.
"In the same way that our view of our vulnerabilities and our foreign policy was shaped profoundly by 9/11, I think this disaster is going to shape how we think about the environment and energy for many years to come," he told Politico.com.
At a time when this nation could have used sincere leadership (and still could) we are stuck in the doldrums of an Obama presidency that staggers from one level of obtuse lack of savy to the next.
There is a report this morning in the news, indicating that those in the know (and those wanting to know) what the president's next move will be on the gulf oil spill, need look no further than to a prominent liberal think tank in Washington DC. As it seems that everything that they have called for since the spill was first reported, the president has reacted to and implemented as policy within days of their recommendation of it.
WH Takes Cues from Liberal Think Tank on Spill
And today, having spent yesterday engaged in another leisurely round of golf (38 rounds now since taking office for those keeping score), the president heads back to the gulf for another look see before he entertains the executives of BP in the Oval Office on Thursday, where he has summoned them to his own private command performance.
Never mind that many pundits both liberal and conservative are now making the correlation between the president being on the golf course when many felt that he should have been on the gulf coast. The simple facts of the matter are, that this man doesn't get it. And from the looks of it? He doesn't even understand the use of metaphors that he uses, as it applies to their additional and considered negative effects, whether he intends for those effects to occur or not.
Enter the excerpt of his comments above from this disastrous interview, where he draws parallels between the gulf oil spill crisis and the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks.
Many might snap 'No! He Didn't!'
Well....as a matter of fact, yes he did. And this is the ongoing mindset of the man. He simply doesn't get it. His mind occupies thought processes that are apparently constructed more from his teleprompter inspired speeches and the suggestions of liberal think tanks, than any level of individual incipient reasoning or correlation that the man can reason on his own.
I sincerely thought that the selection of Joe Biden as vice president could not be out done by this presidency, but with each passing day I am forced to reevaluate that position. As Barack Obama is surely challenging for the title of the extreme presidential gaff maker of this generation.
How the man could possibly equate the raw emotion, terror, fear and lingering pain that was inspired by they 9/11 attacks, with what is going on presently in the gulf of Mexico is beyond me. Unless of course, the man in reality is so thoroughly detached from the feelings, beliefs and sensibilities of this nation, as to consider himself a supreme entity unto himself.
I know that many Americans have looked upon Obama metaphorically as a messiah, but I am beginning to think that the man actually looks upon himself that way in reality. So what will be his next marvel of conscienceless commentary be revealed to us?
Will he begin speaking to us in parables after appointing his twelve diciples?
Among many... one BIG difference between 9/11 and the Gulf event is that America was united with our government's response.
Also, the Gulf event wasn't perpetrated by a conscious evil plan and purpose of some truly evil people...
I agree Chuck, but there in lies the reality below the surface for Obama. He sees the oil spill as an opportunity to portray it to the American people in that fashion, in order to further his own goals and agenda.
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