Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Shear arrogance and idiocy in a public official

Watch this California congressman at a town hall meeting.

Pete Stark is arrogant and flippant from the very beginning of this tape. Being sarcastic to his audience and insulting to those present who are supportive of securing our borders.

This man is a disgrace to his office and insulting to his constituents.

I sincerely hope that the voters of his district are aware of this man's arrogance and ignorance when they go to the polls this November. With people like this in congress and the senate, is it any wonder that this nation is in decline and our borders are wide open gateways to criminals.

This man should be impeached and removed from office before November.

1 comment:

XtnYoda said...

What a... what was it Biden said... "Don't be a smart-a$$!"

Well... dude is the worst of the worst I've ever seen.