Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A 'teaching moment' Thanks to Brutally Honest Blog

I found this over at Rick's Brutally Honest this morning. Then I had to go and find the video that really gives perspective on what is really going on at this school.

Teachers Hold "End War" Signs At Military Assembly

Two teachers at Dennis Yarmouth Regional High School have touched off a firestorm after holding up an "End War" sign at a school assembly where six students who've enlisted in the military were being honored.

Many in the community say the teachers crossed a line and treated their own students with disrespect.

The students received a standing ovation, but at that point the two teachers sat down refusing to clap.

Teacher Marybeth Verani defends her protest saying, "I'm showing students in a democracy how to exercise dissent."

Some students responded by leafleting her classroom with signs saying "Support Our Troops."

The honored students were stunned.

1 comment:

XtnYoda said...

I would call it more of a disgrace.

The school board should extend their right to fire the teachers... in unified dissent to their actions.