Monday, September 05, 2011

Let's take the sons of bitches out!

So says the progeny of Jimmy Hoffa.

Obviosly, the unions never got the memo. The one that reads that Barack Obama and the democrats have been running the economy since the 2006 midterms and the 2008 general election. And the GOP winning back the house in 2010 hasn't changed much yet.

I have a feeling? that the sentiments are running similarly on the other side of the isle Mr. Hoffa. There are a lot of conservative Americans who also see it as a war and they also see the need to take out these sons of bitches that have caused the present and prolonged misery.

So, I guess we will see you at the battlefield come November of next year. You and your union cronies. You simply don't get it.


XtnYoda said...

Now that was as bored a bunch of onlookers as I think I've ever seen ... except for perhaps in a Baptist business meeting.

Prime said...

Yep, they sure didn't sound too enthused. But he is the kind of uaton jerk that care about his power and his power alone. Like most oe rshi pn leadership in these unions. They will send the entire country to hell in a hand basket, just as long as they can milk their union.