Monday, October 24, 2011

The Muslim Islamist paradigm shift

Over the past several months the world has watched as the so called Muslim spring has taken root and spread across the middle east. In Egypt and Libya and Yemen and all across the region of the former Persia and into northern Africa, the headlines of the west seemed to be telling us that these nations and peoples are simply longing for democracy. That they are simply crying out for that which we have here in America.

So, do those in these Muslim nations truly seek democracy? I say not exactly.

With the death this week of Momar Ghadaffi, another middle eastern nation joins the ranks of turmoil of leadership and a vacuum has been created. Not that Ghadaffi was benevolent, but he was the obstacle barring militant Islam from taking root in Libya again. Now that he is gone, the immediate reaction of those in the interim government of Libya is to immediately shift toward a return to an Islamist Sharia based form of government.

These same sentiments of seeking out a return to Sharia are currently playing out in Iraq and Afghanistan and Egypt and elsewhere in the middle east. All across the region, it isn't democracy that these people are longing for. What they are longing for is the return to the barbarism of Sharia and the re-enslavement of all women.

For too long Muslim women and girls have been exposed to the education and the cultures of the west. This exposure has resulted in the loss of control of women in these countries. These beings who were formerly nothing more than chattel have been rising up and calling for reforms and rights of their own. Radical departures from their social stations in life. They are asking to be educated and to actually drive cars in many places. To be see out in public in some attire other than sack cloth and ashes.

There in lies the problem. The quantum shift in culture that the middle east has seen since the end of WWII is rapidly coming to an end. Those men who were undeniably dictators are being overthrown. Their ruling counsels are being replaced with ideological radical Islamist mullahs, whose sole intent is to see Islamic fundamentalism and Sharia re-installed as the preeminent controlling force and influence in their lives.

Those of you who are watching and reading these reports may have taken note. The middle east that we have always known is changing. Morphing into something quite alien and different from what had existed for most of the twentieth century. We are now moving into a new age. An age where that which presently exists is an anathema and that which is sought after is the new truth and the new answer to age old conflicts.

As Libya boils and bubbles its way into its new incarnation, watch closely how things shape up and take place in the coming months in Iraq and now also in Afghanistan. The tin dick president of Afghanistan has stated this week that if America and Pakistan were to go to war, the Afghans would side with Pakistan.

That's right. These same people who our servicemen are bleeding and dying for, supposedly under the auspices of helping them achieve democracy, are in fact no closer to democracy than they were on day one. All they are waiting on is for America to tire of their adventures in Afghanistan and withdraw. Once that happens (and it will) the Afghans will immediately revert right back to their tribal ways of Sharia.

What has occurred in these countries over the past seventy five years occurred for two simple reasons. Oil and the west's ability to play financial big brother and big bully when need be. Now that we can no longer fulfill either role, these puppet states will once again seek their own natural order.

They will return to Sharia. Democracy was never more than an illusion created by those in the west who were seeking to justify our intrusions into that region in order to gain access to the oil. If America were to discover an alternative source of energy tomorrow? Watch and see how long it would take for the middle east and the pursuit of democracy to become a bygone dream.

In the mean time, those in the middle east have long realized this and now that they have the wealth from oil and America has been weakened, they are setting about to return their cultures to that which they have always been. At this point, the best thing that we can do is pull our people and our resources and get the hell out of the way. America no longer has the means of collective fortitude to continue forcing our presence in the world.

The time has come for this country to draw back its resources and settle the larger looming problems here at home. And yes, that will only mean that eventually we will have to deal with and address a powerful and threatening middle east, but we should prepare to do that from strength and not further weakness.

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