Sunday, October 30, 2011

Gingrich Warns of Anti-Christian Spring

The polls may all be saying that Herman Cain is in the lead, but as we approach the holidays and the early primaries, Newt Gingrich is the dark horse coming  up along the outside.. And in South Carolina yesterday, he was addressing the most recent egalitarian attacks on our faith and our system.

Gingrich speaking in South Carolina
Gingrich challenged the "people who filed the lawsuit," asking rhetorically, "Are you prepared to sponsor a Christian missionary in Mecca? Because if you're not prepared to sponsor religious liberty in Saudi Arabia, don't come and nag us with some hypocritical baloney. So I think we need to be prepared to stand firm for genuine religious liberty, not for something that's anti-Christian."
Gingrich challenged the "people who filed the lawsuit," asking rhetorically, "Are you prepared to sponsor a Christian missionary in Mecca? Because if you're not prepared to sponsor religious liberty in Saudi Arabia, don't come and nag us with some hypocritical baloney. So I think we need to be prepared to stand firm for genuine religious liberty, not for something that's anti-Christian."

Newt Gingrich realizes, as do most reasonable Americans, that complaints and challenges like these are simply Trojan horse hypocrisy aimed at attacking both America and its predominant faith. As Newt rightly queries, why are they attending a Catholic university to begin with, stating in essence, that if they feel uncomfortable surrounded by the trappings of Christianity:  'Fine, don't go to a Catholic university.'

Too many Americans see or hear reports like these and simply brush them off as nonsense and nothing to worry about, but these attacks are the real means and tools of those seeking to destroy our society and culture. They do so by attacking  our system and our faith with our own laws and with the egalitarian ruse of simply seeking equality and fairness, but equality and fairness are not in their lexicon when the situations are reversed.

I believe that Newt Gingrich is on target and seizing upon the realities that he can capitalize on politically, by pointing out the abject hypocrisy of challenges to our faith and institutions, by those who demonstrably have only ill will and hatred toward this nation and Christianity. Newt Gingrich is one of the few people who can adequately take on the lies of egalitarianism and expose them for what they truly are. And more and more people in America are beginning to realize that.

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