Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Where's Waldo

Just a short thought. Where's Waldo? Or more specifically, "Where's Ghadaffi?" Moamar has just seemed to drop off the media radar over the past month. No more day by day reports on Obama's war in Libya.

Sure seems easy for the liberal left to turn their heads and mosey on down the road when it's their guy in the white house. Not a peep out of Pelosi or even Boehner on this. No one is paying attention. Obama basically launches a war and uses the American military to attack a sovereign country, completely absent any approval by congress. then he wages this action (war) for weeks and months, even after he told the American people that it would only take days.

Still no questions being asked by the media or anyone else. No demands for an "exit strategy" or cries of how much it is all costing, or the innocent civilian lives.No nothing. And Ghadaffi seems to still be moving right along dodging the best efforts of Obama's coalition forces to either track him down or kill him.  

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