Saturday, October 15, 2011

Obama's latest re-election scheme

This is going to be interesting. I for one have been sitting here on the sidelines of obscurity, wondering how long it was going to take before the president would show his true colors concerning the Occupy Wall Street gang.

The real curiosity at this point remains, just how severe of a backlash is this going to cause with the mainstream. Those in flyover country and the silent majority in the cities who are watching this mayhem and taking note.

By Peter Wallsten, Published: October 14

President Obama and his team have decided to turn public anger at Wall Street into a central tenet of their reelection strategy.

The move comes as the Occupy Wall Street protests gain momentum across the country and as polls show deep public distrust of the nation’s major financial institutions.
And it sets up what strategists see as a potent line of attack against Republican front-runner Mitt Romney, a former investment executive whom Obama aides plan to portray as a wealthy Wall Street sympathizer.
Many Democrats consider Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, the greatest threat to Obama when it comes to wooing centrist independents next year, and Romney this week has begun to present himself as a champion of middle-income Americans.
 Obama seems to think that having allowed his union and activist socialist cronies to create the perfect storm, that all he has to to is grab a board and ride the wave. I for one happen to think that the perfect storm will turn into more of a cyclone of discontent than the man imagines. I certainly hope so.

The fact that those in leadership in the democrat party are embracing these anarchists should be enough for most reasoned Americans to finally see the true stripe of these leftist. Let's hope that Obama's plans to massage their actions into his re-election campaign will not go unnoticed by those in the midst of ridding this country of him and his ilk come November 2012.

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