Sunday, October 30, 2011

The bounty of Islam

For those who may still be undecided on exactly what positions our "friends" the Saudi's hold concerning Israel, (or there relationship with America) here is yet another peek in the box.

Saudi royal offers $900,000 reward

A Saudi royal offered a $900,000 reward to anyone who captures an Israeli soldier, on Saturday. Prince Khaled bin Talal, the brother of business tycoon Walid bin Talal, told the Saudi-based broadcaster Al Daleel that the captive would then be released in exchange for Arabs held in Israeli prisons. Khaled's offer comes days after the prominent Saudi cleric, Awad al-Qarni, put $100,000 on the head of every Israeli soldier.
The bottom line, regardless of their juxtapositions and their assurances that they are our friends, there are few if any true friends of America in the middle east, and that reality is glaring when it comes to the Saudi's. They enjoy our money spent on their oil and our foreign aid and our luxuries, but aside from material things they despise us.

It may have passed unnoticed by millions of Americans that seventeen of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi nationals. Millions of Americans may be oblivious to the literally billions spent and being spent by the Saudis to build mosques in this country, but the facts and the truth and the history tell a different story.

Make no mistake, the so called Arab Spring was something brought about by America's demonstrated weakness of leadership and the current president's obvious contrition to all things Islam. America is being set up and prepared for Islamic conquest. It may take another generation, but left unabated, these Islamic attacks and infiltrations on our culture and our nation will continue. Until one day we won't be able to recall when it was that we literally lost this country to the religion of Islam.

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