Monday, October 10, 2011

The Teflon Presidency

This blog is based solely upon my own observations and absent the usual clip and paste excerpts to get to the point or start a conversation. Perusing the days headlines concerning president Obama, it is becoming more and more apparent by the day that the Obama administration is in deep trouble.

To borrow a bit from Lincoln, I believe we have reached the point in this presidency where the fooling all of the people all of the time has completely collapsed for this president. With his approval rating at 41% and unemployment remaining above 9%, while inflation continues to creep and the economic outlook remains stagnant, Obama has reached a crossroads of crisis in his presidency.

It is my belief that what we are presently seeing with these Occupy Wall Street flash protests, is something that is being choreographed by this administration and it's cadre of insiders below the radar in this administration. Some of Obama's cabinet like Hillary and Giethner may be privately discussing their own feelings of isolation and being left out of the loop by the president, but we haven't reached the point yet where either one of them will walk away. Not yet at least.

None the less, this president has run out of excuses and his rhetoric of blame America first and blame the republicans for everything has become thread bare and bone weary with a majority of Americans. Especially the so called independents and including larger segments of his black base.

True, the entitlement class of blacks in this country will continue to march in lock step with him, regardless where that misery might lead them, but the educated and productive class of professional blacks in America have seen through the lies and they have come to the realization that any reasoned or cogent thinker would arrive at.

Socialism doesn't work, especially when your starting point is ass ass deep in debt and an economic crisis. Obama apparently believed that he could prove all of his detractors wrong. First he would prove the republicans wrong and ultimately he would prove those hard core socialists in his own party wrong.

Fabian socialism was the answer and Barack Obama was the one to deliver on generations of socialist promises by the Marxist in America and globally. All it would take was a leader who had control of the mechanisms of political change and before anyone realized it, the socialist revolution would have occurred without a shot and capitalism would be forever dead in America.

That is the primary reason the president has ignored the economy for the past three years. It was never his intent to reestablish either economic superiority or economic parity for America. Barack Obama was busy disassembling the colonialist infrastructure of this country and the last remaining remnants of moral guides in this country. And he intended to do that before he implemented his complete shift to a socialist nanny state.

There was only one problem, America wasn't dead yet and most Americans aren't ready to simply roll over and swim with the current of socialism in this administration. The large portion of Americans don't want what this president is hustling and the failures they are seeing day after day. The realities of his failed egalitarian policies, not the least of which was the all out attack on the energy sector in this country, stand as clear testament why this president is steadily fading in the public opinion polls. .

Fast forward to the present and aside for coming out to chastise those who do not share his socialist vision or policy demands, the man is becoming more and more accusatory and almost reclusive, even from his own cabinet members. He is literally circling the wagons and calling upon his democrat leadership in the house and senate to come in to prop him up.

But that isn't working. The polls continue to clearly show that Americans are in pain and they know exactly who is responsible. Therefore, the present tactics of neighborhood and union organizing that are being employed to try and stop the bleeding, is only the latest effort by the former neighborhood organizer to apply his previous life experiences to attempt to rescue his regime from the coming reckoning.

The American people are awake and watching; therefore, they are expecting results instead of rhetoric. Look for the president to become more angst filled and accusatory. Look for him to lash out more and more toward his antagonists. but in the end, the die has been cast in my belief. The Obama administration is now beyond being salvaged under our current system of government. Therefore, look for the 'game changer' to be deployed between now and the spring.

"Obama youth" would be my guess.....but in the interim, nothing is sticking to this president. And worse than that, not that many are tying to make anything stick.

1 comment:

XtnYoda said...

Fido (the American citizen) isn't ready to roll over and play dead yet?


Fido's just waiting for a legit someone to shout, "Sick Um!"

Nov. 2012, Fido is gonna scratch a flea or 2 off. Scratched off a few last year, more to go.

I'm not sure he can get the youth motivated in the next few months? We'll see.

Good post sir.