Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Last night's debate, the 999 tax plan and other flights of fancy

A blog by Prime

On the surface, Herman Cain's 999 tax plan sounds fresh and seems like something that should be given a closer look and due consideration by the voters. In my opinion, it probably would be better for everyone if we were to go to this plan or the more extensive plan called the Fair Tax plan. But the chances of that happening are somewhere equal to a snowball's chance in hell in my opinion. The simple fact of the matter is this, aside from the politicians in Washington who stand to lose power, control and influence over the masses should they allow a quantum shift in taxation, these same politicians will never allow their arbitrary and capricious tax code to be tinkered with, much less eliminated and replaced by anything even remotely associated with real balance and fairness.

Combine those facts with the fact that several million accountants, tax attorneys and tax preparation businesses will never stand still for a quantum shift in tax policy and you have all the necessary reasoning for any politician to oppose such a plan. The cacophony of lobbyists voices alone that will rise in opposition against Herman Cain's proposal begins to grow exponentially at the mere hint of any serious consideration of any alternative tax plan. Therefore, 999 simply isn't going to happen in this lifetime. Absent a complete collapse of our society and a complete restructuring of our government and its laws, don't look for our tax code to change anytime soon if ever.

Meanwhile, Herman Cain has stepped into another mine field of controversy with his recent commentaries concerning immigration and his electrified fence proposal. A good idea presented poorly in my observation. And now comes Obama bearing down and taking aim at Cain's 999 proposal, which means that Cain is recognized as an alternative black man at the least and a potential threat to this white house..

Mean while, the media laps up the results of these media initiated dramas and they go right back to their journalist boiler rooms to cook up more logic bombs and more ploys to draw in the easily duped candidates and their target audience. The masses with thirty second or less attention spans are their primary targets. The media continues to play scrappy dog with the GOP for the entertainment ratings and all save one (Newt Gingrich) in the GOP fail to recognize their game. Gingrich knows better than most that the media coverage of politics has absolutely nothing to do with either truth or substance, it all orbits around ratings and angst and drama and what the media can do to act as controllers and spoilers of the debate.

My review of last night's debate, tells me that it appears that Mitt Romney is attempting to apply the 'cour de gras' to the person he considers his only real adversary presently, Rick Perry. It may be perhaps a bit early in the contest, but none the less, Romney senses blood in the water as it concerns Perry and he very well may have scored his Reagan moment against Perry last night with his quip about Perry having and a rough couple of debates lately and Perry being understandably testy as a result.

That moment immediately struck me as the Reagan: "Well there you go again" moment of thirty years ago with Walter Mondale.

As it concerns Herman Cain, Romney knows that Cain (compliments of media spin) is in self destruct mode right now, as he knows that the media are pursuing Cain for him; therefore, Romney isn't focusing on Herman Cain right now. Romney recognizes that the next real challenge to his candidacy is the dark horse Gingrich who is coming up fast on the outside. We are not even at the half way mark of the race or at the first primary yet, so there is plenty of room to move up and down in the polls. None the less, those with staying power and the ability to stay on message and deflect and side step the media traps will be the ones to prevail to the final leg of the nomination process in my opinion.

Right now it is my belief that the race is coming down to Romney and Gingrich as we go into the holidays and the first primaries. And by middle of March we will know who the people have chosen.

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