Sunday, October 02, 2011

There's something happening here.......

As I have watched the Occupy Wall Street protests over the past week, it suddenly struck me of a similarity of time and space. It struck me of a re-kindling of the radicalism of the 60's in progress. An almost 'Deja Vu' similarity of observation. Something only those of us who lived through the 60's might recognize. These are not just hippies and college kids involved in today's protests. What we are seeing rising in America involves an entirely new level of organization and orchestration aside from what occurred forty five years ago.

As an example, seven hundred airline pilots showed up last week in uniform on Wall Street to join these 'spontaneous' protests occurring nationally. Who is behind that? Who is orchestrating it? More importantly, who is guiding it and for what ultimate purpose? Here's a hint. (unions).

I ask these questions of myself and those who may read this, because I am aware of the quantum shift that has occurred in a relatively short period of time politically in this country. I am also aware of what caused it and who was/is behind it. This is a political shift that has escalated class warfare on a level never seen before and which found it's present voice in the political power struggles of Chicago and  "New Party" politics a decade ago.  And the New Party rearing of a socialist candidate in Chicago and then propelling him to the nation's highest office in less than ten years (start to finish) was not by chance..

There is more to it than one man in my opinion. There were those who tried to warn us four years ago. There were those that voiced the history and the associations with radicalism and the direct ties to anti America hate, not to mention Muslim sympathies and allegiances. And there was a complicit media who ignored truth and reason and pushed the false story line for the sole belief, that electing America's first black president would be the catharsis needed to usher in Nirvana and eliminate all injustice in the world.

The organizing, the unions involvement and the throw back speeches to the civil rights movement presently being made by this president to his base are by design. This is not by chance. Class warfare is the creed and manifesto of socialism and it's evil cousins are anarchy and ethnic cleansing. Some might recognize that last term by another name, race warfare.

Look around. See if you can explain the flash mobs of black youth who have been rampaging all across this nation over the past year. Explain the random attacks specifically aimed at white people by black youth gangs and the orchestrated thefts from businesses. Then try and explain why the media in this country simply stands by like light blinded deer and blink in the face of it.

I believe the same influences and goals of socialism that were seeded in the 60's are once again afoot and controlling what we are presently seeing forming in the streets of America today, but there is a difference. So called community organizing is occurring at the molecular level if you will, but not for the betterment of communities or society et al. or for any altruistic reasoning. No, the more sinister purpose here goes much farther in my opinion.

The purpose behind these protests is an attempt to galvanize and seize upon a new wave of force, to counter and combat the recent rise of those who have awakened from their own ignorance and media induced stupor of the last four decades. Pain and deprivation and loss of economic standing tends to do that. Economic collapse and loss of jobs and homes and families and futures tend to tweak that "ignorance is bliss" way of doing business that most Americans believed to be the norm over the past forty years as it concerned who was leading their country.

Now, with jobs lost by the millions, millions of homes foreclosed, thousands of businesses shuttered, inflation stalking and no prospects for recovery, many millions of Americans are finally awakening to the reality of cause and effect. Specifically socialist cause and effect and how it affects us all.

These new American patriots have educated themselves through their shared experiences and their shared misery and they are now refusing to drink the Kool Aid and they are refusing to swallow the propaganda being hustled by this new age version of socialism. And because they are standing up for their rights, they have become a threat to those presently in control and supposedly elected as 'representatives of the people.' Those in power have long known the best way to combat and defeat these newly awakened patriots, is by directly attacking the institutions that can potentially finance their cause against the socialist anarchy that they see behind their misery.That and demonizing them as racist are the two favored tools.

Make no mistake, these attacks on Wall Street are directly attributable to those who have awakened to the Fabian socialism of our present leader's regime and they have seen his intent on destroying them and this nation demonstrated. Yes, they supported him four years ago, because that was the media inspired thing to do, but now they have seen and lived the consequences of the ill placed campaign financing from Wall Street that once was and has now dried up. Once those on the street let it be know that they would not be backing this horse again? That is when the orchestration of marches and protests against them began.

What we are witnessing is a crisis of looming anarchy that has been designed and is now being propelled to conclusion by the premeditated collapse of western capitalism via a full on socialist assault. And those responsible, have absolutely no intent of giving up the ground that they have gained. And if they can no longer dupe the financial powers that be into continued suicide, then they will launch full force frontal attacks against them. (and they have). Their object always has been to destroy them and now that they are no longer useful tools, they are aiming to do just that.

So.....have a look at the photographs below while listening to a little Buffalo Springfield. I promise, it will bring back memories for many.

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